About Me

I'm a PhD alumnus of the Computer Science department at George Mason University, having been advised by Dr. Yotam Gingold.

I'm also a Senior Software Engineer at SRC, Inc. located in Herndon, VA.

My research interests include spectral shape analysis, 3D mesh decomposition, edit propagation, and predictive numerical optimization. The focus of my research is to develop near-automatic techniques for signal fabrication and convolution across a unified class of 3D surfaces and to explore topological features in energy landscapes defined by numerical optimization objective functions.



Interacting with Self-Similarity

Josef Graus, Alec Jacobson, Yotam Gingold

2020. Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Volume 130, January 2021, 102931. doi:10.1016/j.cad.2020.102931

Github: https://github.com/josefgraus/self_similarity